HARNESSING positive energy from the SUPERNATURAL

Supernatural refers to things that are beyond the natural world, and cannot be explained by scientific laws and understanding of the universe. Examples of supernatural things include ghosts, spirits, and deities, as well as certain religious concepts such as miracles and divine intervention.

The existence and reality of supernatural things is a subject of debate and belief, and many people have different opinions on the matter. Some people believe in the existence of supernatural entities and events, while others do not.

Many belief systems, religions, and traditional practices involve supernatural elements or concepts. In many cases, these beliefs and practices shape people’s understanding of the world and their place in it, and provide explanations for things that are not understood through scientific means.

Some amazing supernatural concepts

There are many different types of supernatural concepts and entities that are believed in by different cultures and religions around the world. Here is a list of some of the most common examples:

  • Ghosts and spirits: The belief that the souls of deceased individuals can continue to exist in some form and interact with the living.
  • Deities: Supreme beings or gods that are believed to have power over the natural world and human affairs.
  • Angels and demons: Divine or supernatural beings that are believed to be intermediaries between gods and humans.
  • Miracles: Events that are believed to be caused by divine intervention, and cannot be explained by natural laws.
  • Magic and witchcraft: The use of supernatural powers or spells to accomplish specific tasks or goals.
  • Vampires and werewolves: Supernatural creatures that are believed to have certain powers and abilities, such as immortality or the ability to transform into an animal.
  • Zombies: reanimated corpses that are believed to be controlled by some supernatural force.
  • Fairies and other similar mythical creatures like unicorns, dragons, etc.
  • Astrology and divination: The belief that the positions and movements of celestial bodies can influence human affairs and predict future events.
  • Numerology, Tarot reading, palmistry, etc.
  • Possession: The belief that a person can be possessed by a supernatural entity, such as a demon.
  • Superstitions: Certain beliefs or practices that are thought to bring good luck or ward off bad luck.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and there are many other examples of supernatural concepts and entities that are believed in by different cultures and religions.

Things people consider supernatural that can help you become your best self

List of best books about the supernatural. Fact and fiction

Here is a list of some popular and well-regarded books about the supernatural:

  • “The Power of Now” by Eckhart Tolle: This book explores the concept of living in the present moment and how it can lead to spiritual enlightenment.
  • “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne: This book explores the law of attraction and how people can use positive thinking to manifest their desires.
  • “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho: This novel tells the story of a young shepherd who sets out on a journey to fulfill his personal legend and discover his destiny.
  • “The Haunting of Hill House” by Shirley Jackson: This classic novel is a horror story about a group of people who spend a summer in a haunted mansion.
  • “The Book of Dead Days” by Marcus Sedgwick: This novel is a supernatural thriller that tells the story of a boy who is forced to take part in a mysterious ritual during the days leading up to the winter solstice.
  • “Witchcraft Today” by Gerald Gardner: This book is one of the first modern books on witchcraft and Wicca, and provides an overview of the beliefs and practices of these spiritual paths.
  • “The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark” by Carl Sagan: This book explores the concept of superstition and how the scientific method can be used to separate fact from fiction.
  • “The Occult: A History” by Colin Wilson: This book provides a comprehensive history of the occult and its various branches, such as alchemy, astrology, and magic.
  • “The Witch’s Book of Shadows” by Phyllis Curott: This book is a guide to modern witchcraft and provides information on spells, rituals, and other practices.
  • “The Supernatural: A New History” by David J. Skal: This book provides a historical overview of the supernatural, from ancient times to the present day.

Please note that the selection of books may vary depending on personal taste and interests, and this list is not exhaustive.