Points of interest from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth

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The Emerald Tablets are a series of ancient writings that are said to contain the secrets of the universe. Here are some key points from the tablets:

  1. The tablets were written by Thoth, an ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, who was said to have come from Atlantis.
  2. Thoth wrote the tablets in his own language and then translated them into various languages, including ancient Greek, so that they could be understood by different people.
  3. The tablets contain knowledge of alchemy, astrology, magic, and the nature of the universe.
  4. They also contain information on how to achieve immortality, and the secret to transmuting base metals into gold.
  5. Thoth speaks of the existence of a hidden world, beyond the physical plane, that can be accessed through spiritual development and meditation.
  6. The tablets emphasize the importance of balance in all aspects of life, and the need to harmonize the masculine and feminine energies within oneself.
  7. They also stress the importance of using one’s own inner wisdom and intuition, rather than relying solely on external sources of knowledge.
  8. The tablets speak of the cyclical nature of existence, and how all things in the universe move in a never-ending cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
  9. They also suggest that the true nature of the universe is beyond human understanding, and that the only way to truly know the universe is to experience it for oneself.
  10. The tablets end with the warning that those who seek to use their knowledge for selfish purposes will ultimately fail, and that true power can only be obtained through serving the greater good.

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