Is meditation a way to connect to source?

he belief that meditation is connecting to source is a spiritual or metaphysical belief that suggests that through meditation, we are able to tap into a higher power or universal consciousness. This belief is based on the idea that we are all interconnected and that there is a greater, divine energy that flows through all things.

Proponents of this belief suggest that when we meditate, we are able to quiet the mind and open ourselves up to this divine energy. By doing so, we may be able to gain insight, clarity, and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This connection to source is often described as a feeling of oneness, or a sense of being part of something greater than ourselves.

It’s worth noting that the belief in connecting to source through meditation is not a universal belief, and may be specific to certain spiritual or religious traditions. Additionally, some people may interpret the idea of “source” in different ways, such as a specific deity, the universe, or a non-personal energy. Ultimately, the experience of meditation and any spiritual or metaphysical beliefs that come with it are highly individual and subjective.

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