Laws of the universe

These laws are sacred. Divine. Godly. Part of a Higher power.

  • Law of divine oneness
  • Law of vibration
  • Law of correspondence
  • Law of attraction
  • Law of inspired action
  • Law of perpetual transmutation of energy
  • Law of cause and effect
  • Law of compensation
  • Law of relativity
  • Law of polarity
  • Law of perpetual motion
  • The law of giving and receiving

Understanding the laws of the universe is key to unlock the full potential of life and your best self.

The universe has been functioning with these laws for a very long time and will not change for your human efforts however understanding these laws you are able to harness the powers they hold for your personal gain.

Give thanks that these laws are known and your short time here experiencing this human existence is directly impacting the way you interact with the universe.