HARNESSING the carnal energy of ANIMALS to be our best selves

There are many different spiritual and cultural beliefs about the energy or power that can be harnessed from animals to help individuals reach their best selves. Here are a few examples:

  • Animal totems: Many cultures believe that animals have special powers or energies that can be harnessed for personal growth and self-improvement. These powers are thought to be represented by animal totems, which are animals that are believed to have a special connection with an individual.
  • Power Animals: In shamanic practices, it is believed that each person has a power animal, which is an animal spirit that serves as a guide and protector.
  • Animal medicine: Many cultures believe that animals have special healing powers, and that by connecting with their energy, individuals can improve their physical and emotional well-being.
  • Animal symbolism: Many cultures and spiritual traditions associate certain animals with specific traits or qualities, such as courage, strength, and wisdom. By connecting with the energy or symbolism of these animals, individuals can access these traits and qualities within themselves.
  • Animal spirit guides: Many cultures and spiritual traditions believe that animals can serve as spirit guides, providing insight and guidance on an individual’s spiritual journey.

Please note that these practices are not scientifically proven, and their effectiveness may vary from person to person. Additionally, it’s important to remember that these practices may have different meanings and interpretations depending on the culture or tradition in which they are practiced.