About this project

Are you your best self?

Are you living your best life?

We are compiling a massive list of things that make you better.

How to get the most out of each thing.

Communities around each thing.

And magic. In many forms.

Join us

There is a Higher power. Let us harness its energy.

Your higher and lower self constantly battle. Which will you let win.

Here at The Health And Happiness Project (www.thahp.com) we are harnessing the sacred, divine, and magical energies of many different creations vibrating on unique frequencies that when combined with our own unique frequencies and energies can raise you up to align with the highest possible quantum realities. Quantum meaning infinite or all possibilities and they are all available to you if you use your time and energy in the appropriate fashion.

“I am a powerful being.

The potential of my mind is limitless.

Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

I am sending positive energy to all members of The Health And Happiness project.

We will all receive exactly what we ask for from the great universal thinking substance which creates all things”

I take 3 deep breaths, clear my mind, and I say this every time before starting work on this site. I am the only one building this site and project.

If you decide to become a member/contributor (always free membership) I ask you to say something similar each visit.

A site and project built with positive energy and positive intentions compounded with the same positive energy from the members has unlimited and powerful potential to change our individual lives as well as change the world.

Health, Wealth and Happiness for all Good Humans.

– Contributor