5 ways to DISRUPT your spiritual progress. Do NOT do these things.

Set backs on my spiritual journey are welcomed but these 5 things can and should be avoided for growth:

  1. Negative self-talk: One of the most common ways to lower your vibration is through negative self-talk. When you constantly criticize yourself, doubt your abilities, or focus on your flaws, you can create a negative energy that can impact your spiritual practice.
  2. Lack of self-care: Neglecting your physical, emotional, and mental well-being can also disrupt your spiritual practice. When you don’t take care of yourself, you may feel drained or unmotivated, making it harder to focus on your spiritual growth.
  3. Surrounding yourself with negative influences: Your environment can have a significant impact on your energy and vibration. If you spend time with people who are negative, critical, or don’t support your spiritual practice, it can bring down your energy and make it harder to stay focused.
  4. Overindulging in negative behaviors: Engaging in behaviors that are harmful to yourself or others can also disrupt your spiritual practice. This could include things like substance abuse, overeating, or engaging in gossip or other negative behaviors.
  5. Lack of consistency: Finally, if you’re not consistent with your spiritual practice, it can be challenging to make progress. Skipping meditation or yoga classes, neglecting your journaling practice, or failing to set aside time for self-reflection can all disrupt your spiritual growth.

Remember that if you are doing any of these things there is a reason this page found you. And move forward onward and upward with my blessings. – Famfu

Be your best self live your best life with these positive things

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